Over the years the workshop has restored many vehicles – more recently, a 1970 Mark II Cortina GT, a 1952 Plymouth Suburban wagon, a 1970 Mini, and many Fiat Bambinas. The challenge of getting the best out of these cars inspired them and before long they had customers from all over the South Island. Automobile Performance, Racing & Sports Car Equipment Automobile Parts & Supplies Wheels-Aligning & Balancing. At that stage the focus was on American V8s, European cars, and in particular, Fiats. It was during the 1970s that Harman Motors became interested in engine tuning and development. David and John worked in partnership for 30 years and David is now the sole owner of Harman Motors. He was joined by his son John in 1965 and his younger son David, in 1979.

In 1960 he built and moved into the current premises on Colombo Street. So werden Sie von der Edelstahl-Abgasanlage bis hin zum Aluminium-Ladeluftkühler bei uns immer fündig. When he returned to New Zealand, he continued at Frank Thomas (see photo above) until he began business in 1947 in Sandyford Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. Suchen Sie für Ihren fahrbaren Untersatz aus Japan Tuning-Teile, sind wir Ihr gut sortierter Japan-Tuning-Shop in Deutschland: Big in Japan Performance beliefert Sie mit Tuning-Komponenten beliebter Automarken aus Fernost. He spent nearly two years at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, servicing fighter aircraft. During World War II he served in the New Zealand Air Force.

Lawrie Harman served his time as an automotive engineer at Frank Thomas, St Asaph Street, Christchurch. David Harman owns and runs the business along with his team of qualified technicians who take pride in their work. Harman Motors is a family owned and operated business founded in 1947 – now in operation for over 70 years. Harman Motors has been established for well over 60 years as a family business, now second generation.